21 days – Asana a day
In the “21-Days Asana A Day” program Ramya Ramamurthy will introduce one asana a day and break it down in detail for you, covering a total of 21Asanas which you can learn better with proper alignments and understanding.
Course Curriculum
Day 1: Marjariasana
Today we will learn Marjariasana - a very simple and highly beneficial posture for the spine.
Day 2: Padangusthasana
A standing forwardbend that helps to stretch the entire back part of the body and soothes & calms the body & mind.
Day 3: Trikonasana
A standing posture that imporves grounding & stability and works on the legs, hip, sides of the trunk, core and abdominal organs.
Day 4: Parsvakonasana
A standing posture that imporves grounding & stability and works on the legs, sides of the body, hip, spine, chest and abdominal organs
Day 5: Utkatasana
A standing posture that strengthens the ankles, calves, thighs, core & spine and stretches the chest & shoulders
Day 6: Adho Mukha Shvanasana
A posture that stretches the ankles, calves, hamstrings, back & shoulders, strengthens the arms & legs and calms the body & mind
Day 7: Virabhadrasana 1
A posture that strengthens the legs, opens the hips & chest and stretches the arms & legs. It helps to develop concentration, balance & groundedness. It helps to improve circulation & respiration and energizes the entire body.
Day 8: Virabhadrasana 2
A posture that strengthens & stretches the legs & ankles and opens the hips, chest & shoulders. It helps to develop stability & groundedness and stimulate abdominal organs.
Day 9: Vrikshasana
A standing balancing posture that improves balance & stability in the legs, improves focus & concentration, strengthens the ligaments & tendon of the feet, strengthens & tones the entire standing leg, stretches the sides of the trunk, lower back & upper back, as the arms lift up its improves flexibility of the shoulders and the posture also develops stability in the hips.
Day 10: Virabhadrasana 3
A standing balancing posture that improves stability throughout the body, improves memory & concentration, strengthens the ligaments & tendon of the feet, strengthens the legs, strengthens the shoulders & back muscles and strengthens & tones the abdominal muscles & core.
Day 11: Dandasana
This posture strengthens the core muscles & lower back, improves the stability of spine & pelvis, strengthens the arms, wrists & shoulders, improves postures and prepares the body for more challenging postures like arm balances.
Day 12: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
A backbend that strengthens the entire back, spine, arms & wrists, stretches the chest, shoulders, & abdomen and stimulates abdominal organs.
Day 13: Dhanurasana
A backbend that strengthens the back muscles, strengthens the spinal column, stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs, abdomen, chest, & throat, stimulates the abdominal organs and improves blood circulation.
Day 14: Janu Sirsasana
A seated forward bend that stretches the hamstring, groin, back & shoulders, calms the brain & helps to relieve stress, it is therapeutic for high blood pressure, insomnia & sinusitis, it stimulates abdominal organs and helps to improve digestion.
Day 15: Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
A seated twist that stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings & hips, helps to relieve low-back pain & open the hips, expands the chest thus improving breathing capacity and the twist massages the abdominal organs, stimulating & improving digestion.
Day 16: Ardha Matsyendrasana
A seated twist that improves the range motion of the spine & tones the spinal nerves, opens the shoulders, hips & neck, increases the flexibility of spine and hips, cleanses the abdominal organs, improves digestion & helps to release excess toxins from the body and helps to relieve fatigue & back ache.
Day 17: Kandharasana
This posture strengthens the back & alleviates back problems, it relaxes the spine, it strengthens the shoulders, the stretching involved tones abdominal organs & improves the digestive system, it expands the chest & lungs & thus helps to improve breathing and it also tones the hips, thighs, and legs.
Day 18: Sarvangasana
This posture soothes the nervous system, calms the brain & helps to relieve stress, improves blood circulation & helps to purify the blood, improves the function of digestive system, brings relief from constipation, indigestion & varicose veins, strengthens the arms & shoulders and keeps the spine flexible.
Day 19: Halasana
This posture soothes the nervous system, calms the brain & helps to reduce stress, improves the flexibility of the hamstrings, hip, spine, shoulders & neck,stimulates the abdominal organs, improves digestion and provides relief from constipation & indigestion.
Day 20: Matsyasana
This posture expands the chest & improves breathing, strengthens the neck & upper back, improves the health of the spine, stretches the upper front part of the body & helps to provide relief from abdominal aliments and it is also a good posture to de-stress.
Day 21: Jathara Parivartanasana
This posture tones the spinal column, removes stiffness of the spine & shoulders, helps to release tension along the back muscles. It has a calming & relaxing effect on the body & the mind. It tones the abdominal organs and improves digestion.